Thursday, 30 September 2010

Nature Under Threat

Nature (the scientific Jouranal) has published findings on water insecurity and biodiversity loss across the world. New research published in Nature shows how human 'stresses' are impacting on water security across the world's rivers. Red areas are the worst affected, and blue the least (HWS stands for 'human water security')

Map of global threats to human water security produced by River Threat, 2010

New research published in Nature today shows how human 'stresses' are impacting on aquatic species across the world's rivers. Red areas are the worst affected, and blue the least

Map of global Tthreats to river biodiversity produced by River Threat

What is interesting about these maps is that it provides many realtionships and correlations. Looking at the Maps:

1) What countries face the greatest threat of water shortages?
2) Why do you think this is?
3) What countires face the least threat of water shortages?
4) Why do you think this is?
5) What countries face the greatest loss of biodiversity?
6) Why do you think this?
7) Some countries with plentiful water supply have a high loss of biodiversity such as the USA and the UK, why do think this is?

Patagonia under threat due to Dams

The Aysén region of Chilean Patagonia is threatened by a plan to build five dams on the Baker and the Pascua rivers – two of the wildest in the world. The dams would have a damaging impact on the region effecting wildlife, people and the national parks in the region. However the dams would create jobs and renewable energy for Chile to boost development. The link below provides more inforamtion on the case study with some stunning images.Patagonia dams: Map of the Patagonian ice fields

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Did You Know?....

Interesting clip about the future about world population in relation to the increase use of technology and the impact this could have on education....

Britain From the Air

The Royal Geogrpahic Society has lauched its new project Britain from the Air. A street exibition that will tour the country. In the RGS's own words the images:

"Showing Britain as you have never seen it before: 100 huge images of our natural and built landscapes telling stories of our heritage and bringing alive the beauty of our environment, and challenging us all to understand the changes taking place today in our towns and cities."

Britain from the air: Briitain from the air
Britain from the air: Briitain from the air

The images alone are useful sources for lessons and can be used in a number of wayssuch as the farming image above. This image is called Harvest, Wiltshire. The image comes with information regarding farmign practices in the UK:

"Wheat yield in Britain is about 7 to 10 tonnes per hectare, in 1950 it was 3 to 4 tonnes"

this image and stat can be used as a great introduction to the Farming topic, used as a Mystery or thinking Skills Activity. Discussion can be based on the reasons why there has been a dramatic increase in farming production, advantages and implications.

The Coastal Cliff  image above can again be used as a great Mystery and thinking skills activity for the Coast Topic.

RGS is to produce educational resources for secondary in the future as well as touring the counry with the images as a street exihibtion which will include a walk-on O.S map!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Outdoor Education with Scottish Natural Heritage

This is a great website from Scottish Natural Heritage and provides ideas links and resources for Outdoor Learning Activities. These activities are divided into a number of sections including Biodiversity, School Grounds and Woodland Ways. Each section provides inforamtion on ideas of how to introduce aspects of outdoor education in your school, within the school grounds and beyond. Each sections aslo provides links to case studies of schools that have introduced good examples and sharing their good practice by providing downloads, as well as this the sections give links to organisations that can help departments and school to develop and implement outdoor education and even provide funding!

Your Climate Your Life

Useful website providing useful information and resources regarding climatic change causes, impacts and solutions. This would be a useful tool for the Environment Topic that I have developed for S1.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Farming and Countryside Education

This is a useful website on current Farming and Countryside issues. The website provides information and resources for Geography, but also for Art and Business creatinf chances of cross-curricular links. It provides resources and multimedia sources on farming issues and practices and would be a practical tool for Rural and Farming topics.

Guardians Global Development

The Guardian Newspaper's website has introduced a new section on Global Development. This is a great site as it provides information on current Global Development issues and allows registion for updates and to add on twitter. A key aspect of the site is that it tracks progress on the Millenium Development Goals, number one being Eradicating extreme Poverty and Hunger and provides recent findings on determining whether or not the goals are being met. This has the potential to be a great resource as it can be used in a number of ways providing teachers and learners sources of up to date information, analysis and comment on the issues of Global Development useful for not only Geography, but Modern Studies, Citizenship, Religous and Moral Education and many other subject areas providing opportunities for cross curricular links.

Furthermore the site provides a Data Store providing up date information and stats on the Development Goals. This is a useful tool when teaching the topic of Development and Health as it provides up to date information rather than using sources of data that may be up to 10 years out of date.

Another key aspect of the site is that it provdes learners with Case Studies on such issues as Combating HIV/Aids, Malaria and other Diseases. These case Studies provide learners with Data, News Reports, Photos, Facts and Figures fom Research, Information on Campaigns in the UK and Globally aswell as Multimedia links. This site would work well when studying Case Studies in the Development and Health topics in both Standard Grade and Higher Geography. Check out the site from the link below:

Monday, 13 September 2010

Weather Studio

Another Great resource from Juicy Geography. The Weather Studio is a set of interactive web pages that are designed to be projected onto an interactive whiteboard. Students can present a realistic weather forecast using the pages. There are links to a synoptic pressure chart, and the current Europe infra-red satellite image on each page, which could also be used as part of the forecast

Milking It!

A great Interactive resource from Oxfam Education. Milking It allows learners to Compare the lives of two dairy farmers in very different countries. How are they affected by international trade rules? Who makes these rules, and what can we do to change them? This can be used in a range of topics in Geography, Social Subjects and in Citizenship. This can be used in the Farming Topic, Development, International Trade and Law and as a Project in Citizenship focussing on inequlity and Fair Trade.

Savage Earth

Found this useful website called Savage Earth Online which gives learners information regarding Environmental Hazards. The site provides information on Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis with detailed descriptions and animations.